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55 South Main St., P.O. Box 369 • Lobelville, TN 37097 • (931) 593-2285
Cane Creek Market :: located on Rt. 438
Russell Creek :: home of Mennonites
Lobelville City Hall is not affiliated with the market. Please call the numbers listed on the signs at Hwy 13: 931-209-4948 and 931-593-2782
Have you been by the Russell Creek Mennonite community in Lobelville TN yet? They have a store kind of like the Delano store that has produce for sale from their community. I will put a Google Map link below that gives you directions. They also have a meat market on the way and those are more rare to find. This community is the sister community from the Cane Creek Mennonite and go to the same church. They do drive buggies inside their community so be careful on the roads. The Linden/Lobelville area is about small towns and country living so take cash and a full day to see both Mennonite communities while you are here. - - #amishmennonitetn
Buffalo River Resort :: camping, cabins, RV hookups
Buffalo River Golf :: located on Hwy 13, south of town